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Public Library Dashboard

Public Library Dashboard Overview

The Fathom public library dashboard will be accessible to anyone who has the library staff role associated with their Fathom account. This dashboard will provide an overview of the family licenses that have been created under your account, staff members associated with your license and usage data.

Family Account

Screenshot of the family account widget
Your patrons are able to create a Family account under your public library license. Doing this will allow them to access advanced features such as our virtual classrooms, assignment system, and more.

Creating a Family Account

To create a Family account, a patron will need to first log into Fathom using their library card credentials. From there, they can visit the 3x3 dot grid in the top right-hand corner and click 'Create an Account.'

Public Library Staff

Screenshot of the library staff widget
The public library staff widget provides a list of staff members that are associated with your license.

Adding Public Library Staff

You can add a new staff member by clicking the + Add User button at top right of the widget.


The statistics section will give you a preview of useful data associated with your public library. By default you will see reading time for the library. You can view other statistics such the number of times a book has been opened, number of quizzes taken, and more by clicking the View All button at the top right of the statistics widget. To download this data in an excel document, click ••• button then Export Data.

Marketing and Instructional Materials

We have created materials for you to share with your patrons as needed. Please find them below. If you are in need of additional materials, please email us at [email protected]

Fathom Reads Marketing Flyers-PPT
Getting Started with Fathom Reads Flyer
Creating a Family Account Flyer
Creating an Assignment Flyer
Creating a New Quiz Flyer

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